BPM: Organizing Complexity, Preparing For Change

Does the nail care if you’re using a claw hammer or a ball-peen hammer?

Of course not, just like your end user doesn’t care if you use a trackball or a mouse to get your work done. Success stems not from what tool you select but rather how well you use it.

That’s why business process management is so important. There’s no one, single best way to measure and improve business processes, and there’s a good reason for that. BPM is all about structuring repeatable processes, but can only provide guidance to leaders as they grapple with variable processes. And BPM itself is endlessly variable. It’s not a solution in itself, but rather an approach to finding the optimal solution.

The business process management lifecycle


Assemble smart people who have seen the current process from all directions, then have them go through a whiteboard exercise, facilitated by an experienced, independent third party.


Gather information that could support, dispute or add a layer of nuance to the brainstormed solution.


Formalize the process in a flowchart with supporting documentation.


Put the reengineered process into operation.


Tweak the process so that it continuously improves.

Features of BPM

While tools aren’t the main focus of BPM, they’re not immaterial. As your processes become increasingly automated, attention needs to be paid to what goes into the toolkit – and why. Today’s packages offer a number of advantages to those available in the past, and Comptech Associates can help you compare them and select the one that would best work inside your organization. The firm’s BPM experts focus on several key differentiators


A simple, modular pane of glass can help you define automated processes through a straightforward, intuitive drag-and-drop operation

Mobile readiness

Maybe reengineering a business process isn’t best accomplished on a cell phone, but the best BPM packages enable IT managers to approve or initiate work from their mobile devices

Pervasive computing

Cloud-native BPM suites offer managers access to the toolkit anywhere they go, anytime they want

Continuous improvement

As quickly as business processes can be established and improved, solid links to DevOps toolchains can ensure that they are put into production

How BPM can help you today

Once your organization has successfully established a new framework for BPM, these benefits will immediately accrue:

  • Existing processes will become smoother, while new processes will be more clearly envisioned and thus more quickly optimized.
  • Your organization’s digital presence will conform to a uniform structure, which supports both branding and operational efficiency.
  • Digital operations will become more user-friendly to both customers and employees.
  • New processes will be modeled on the successes of others that have been optimized and reviewed.

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