Comptech Associates offer our customers with marketing solutions for their customers that will result in improved marketing campaigns and marketing success. Marketing analytics services consist of a number of services that can help grow the effectiveness and impact of your marketing, as well as help you manage and keep track of you marketing operations.
Comptech Associates, with the help of their tirelessly working experts of technical experts, offer the following marketing analytics services:
Incentive compensation for sales reps is a common function and operation in most industries. Comptech Associates provide you with services that will fully digitalize and automate Incentive Compensation Management, that will result in improves and efficient management. The better your incentive management will be, the better your budget will be managed and will positively affect your profitability.
By developing a high quality, reliable incentive compensation management tool for your business, you will gain better control and insights at the sales records. Manage your hidden costs, develop a better relationship with your sales reps, and have instant feedback on your sales records by availing he top-class marketing analytics services by Comptech Associates.
Putting focus on the business’s growth, Comptech Associates manages your business’s sales by automating the sales compensation processes. We effectively manage a business’s sales compensations by regulating and unifying incentive & sales force modeling, managing complex sales hierarchies.
Sales management requires a lot of data insights that then lead to setting goals and targets to achieve. While your business and many other competing businesses are advancing digitally, sales performance management is also one of the most major organizational operations that needs to be digitalized. To help make your sale people more efficient, faster and better at what they are already good at, Comptech deliver SPM tools that will solve your sales-related issues. A detailed, reliable and accurate insight at the sales data will only encourage your sales people to do the right thing and manage the sales accurately.
To help your business tackle and cope with the challenges faced in accessing, organizing and utilizing the marketing content, Comptech offers analytics tool as solutions to such technical issues.
Google analytics is a widely used analytic tool used mainly by advertisers to track their marketing and advertising operations. Real-time insights at your marketing data is what Comptech develops and offers your business for better management.
PEGA is a leading software provider that is mainly focused on developing and managing customer engagement.
With adobe marketing-based marketing solutions, Comptech associates guarantees long-term solutions for your enterprise that will improve and maintain customer relations.
By availing our marketing analytics platform, we will enable your business to effectively integrate CRM, effectively manage territory and commissions quota, and easily deploy Sales Performance Incentive Funding Formulas and incentives to sales. So, give us a call today!
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